College of Economics and Management


主题:Marketing Education in a Changing World"
主讲人:澳大利亚Edith Cowan University  David Clark-Murphy 博士
时间:2007114 (星期一)上午 900
Dr David Clark-Murphy 个人信息:
・        Competitive Innovation,
・        Market segmentation alternatives.
・        Lateral Thinking,
・        Global Marketing.
・        Management Psychology
・        Global Business Competition
・        Human Resource
Dr David Clark-Murphy
Associate Professor � Head of School of Marketing & Tourism
Contact Information
Tel: +61 (0)8 63045429               Fax: +61 (0)8 63045840
Employment History:
Management Consultant to Government Agencies;
Director of an Advertising Agency;
Marketing Director of Oil Company, London;
General Manager of Transport Companies in Australia and Europe;
Ship's Navigating Officer
Personal History:
David's PhD is in Management Psychology focusing on managerial decision making performance. David has taught Marketing, Management, Business Research, Managerial Finance and Entrepreneurship at undergraduate and postgraduate levels in Australia, China, Malaysia, and Singapore. He was awarded Business Faculty prize for excellence in teaching in 2000; he mentored Australia's Young Businessperson of the Year in 2002; and managed the Entrepreneurship semi-finalists team in the 2004 Global Business Competition; and was short-listed for the award of Australia’s Best Entrepreneurial Educator of the Year 2006.
Panel member of Ch 31 Television program “Marketing � Does Sex Sell”? Keynote Speaker at the Inaugural National Business Congress in Perth 2006, and the 2005 International Business Conference in Hawaii.
Passions/Life Outside University:
Marathon running,   Ballroom Dancing,   Motorsport.
Research and Publications
Innovation; Entrepreneurship; International Marketing; Business Research
Current Research Area: Decision-making in complex environments
Research Interest: Relationships between business and the human condition.
"Cornerstones of Marketing"
"Customer Relationship Management and Customer Service"
Selected Publications:
2006 Cornerstones of Marketing. [textbook] Tilde Publications Australia
2006 Customer Relationship Management [textbook] Tilde Publications Australia
2005 Decision-making simulations: Do our cases and simulations represent real working worlds? Tertiary Education: Surviving or Thriving? Sept.
2005 How Much Should We Divide and Rebuild the Indivisible and Complex Business Environment? in “Higher Education in a Changing World,” Research & Development in Higher Education, Volume 28.
2005 Can We Divide and Rebuild the Indivisible? International Business Conference, Hawaii
2005 Why divide the indivisible? The Reflective Practitioner at Teaching and Learning Forum, HERDSA. Murdoch February.
2005 Public Sector Marketing: Is Managerial Decision-Making Ability in the Public Sector Different from the Private Sector? International Business Conference, Hawaii
Private Dilemma for Public Sector Management? Accounting, Accountability & Performance and Griffiths Qld. Conf.
Is the Information Processing and Decision-Making Ability of Public Sector Managers Different from Private Sector Managers? Public Sector Marketing, Canberra
2003 Maybe the sceptics were right: Revisiting Elliot Jaques. Academy of Management and ANZAM Conference, Fremantle WA
2003 Private Managers in Public Places? A Dilemma for Public Sector Management. Academy of Management and ANZAM Conference, Fremantle WA.
2002 Public Sector Decision-Making. Accounting, Accountability & Performance and Griffiths Qld. Conf.
Matching complexities for improved managerial performance. Management Today (Aust.). April.
IT training for the future or yesterday? Training & Development (U.S.). June.
1998 Wrong speed and direction on the information highway? Australian Society for Educational Technology. July pp20-24 and EdTech Conf. Murdoch.
1998 No executive is an island. Australian Society for Educational Technology. July   pp 25-30 and EdTech Conf. Murdoch.
1996 Predicting small business success from decision making in complexity. SEAANZ Conference proceedings.