College of Economics and Management



1. International Journal of Unconventional Computing (IJUC)
SCI/EI, ISSN: 1548-7202
2. International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering (IJCSE)
EI, ISSN: 1742-7193
3. Journal of Computers (JCP), EI, ISSN 1796-203X
4. Journal of Software (JSW), EI, ISSN 1796-217X
5. Journal of Scientific Exploration (JSE), EI, ISSN: 0892-3310
6.International Journal of Information Engineering (IJIE), ISSN2226-7921
投稿须知详见会议网站: http://www.csssconf.org/2012/zh/SpecialIssue.html
联系方式:csss_si@163.com (仅限问题咨询,稿件请通过投稿系统投递)

Call for papers for SCI/EI Journals

To meet the need of paper publication from authors, CSSS 2012 is now selecting good-quality papers to SCI indexed and EI indexed journals.
Journals intended for publication
1. International Journal of Unconventional Computing (IJUC)
SCI/EI, ISSN: 1548-7202
2. International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering (IJCSE)
EI, ISSN: 1742-7193
3. Journal of Computers (JCP), EI, ISSN 1796-203X
4. Journal of Software (JSW), EI, ISSN 1796-217X
5. Journal of Scientific Exploration (JSE), EI, ISSN: 0892-3310
6.International Journal of Information Engineering (IJIE), ISSN2226-7921
Notes for authors: http://www.csssconf.org/2012/SpecialIssue.html
Email: csss_si@163.com (Enquiry only, no paper submissions allowed)