College of Economics and Management

2013 International Conference on Future Computer and Information Technology (ICFCIT 2013)

2013 International Conference on Future Computer and Information Technology (ICFCIT 2013)
Tianjin, China, August 22-23, 2013


2013 International Conference on Future Computer and Information Technology (ICFCIT 2013) will be held in Tianjin, China during August 22-23, 2013. All the accept papers will be published as one volume of WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences (ISSN:1743-3533), which is indexed by SCOPUS and Ei Compendex.[test]
The excellent papers presented at the conference (after extension) will be recommended for publishing in some International Journals which are indexed by Scopus, SCI or EI.

Future Internet (ISSN 1999-5903) , indexed by EI 
Remote Sensing (ISSN 2072-4292) , indexed by EI, Scopus and SCI 
Sensors (ISSN 1424-8220) , indexed by Scopus, SCI, Impact Factor: 2.060 (2011)

1. Information and Computing 2. Computer Control 3.Communication and Networks 
4. Computer Education and E-Learning

Important Date: 
Paper Submission (Full Paper)                     Before May 20, 2013 
Notification of Acceptance                          On June 5, 2013 
Final Paper Submission                               Before June 20, 2013 
Conference Dates                                        August 22-23, 2013

Email: icfcit@163.com  (.pdf and .doc) 
Tel: +86-13146590575
